swansea gay bars

Swansea gay bars

Main Stage hoped to open on or near Wind Street but have had to explore new options after their earlier plans fell through unexpectedly. We have more newsletters. Plans for a "much needed" gay bar in Swansea have suffered an unexpected setback after the landlord of the building the bar was set to open in put it up for sale, swansea gay bars. The people behind Main Stage Cardiffa popular gay bar in the capital, announced at Swansea Pride last month that they were preparing to open a cabaret bar in Swansea's Wind Swansea gay bars later this summer.

Champers is fondly remembered as a safe space for gay people in the 80s, 90s, 00s before closing in We have more newsletters. A popular gay venue is returning for one night only next month in a bid to revive the scene in Swansea. The bar had many different owners over the years and was eventually bought by chains Pulse and later OMG! On a Facebook post by Pynk, the organisers wrote: "Many of you will remember Champers, which for much of its history was open when Section 28 was still in force. People remember Champers as a friendly and welcoming space, where people didn't have to pretend to be anything but who they authentically were.

Swansea gay bars


Invalid email Something went wrong, please try again later. Champers is remembered by swansea gay bars as an important "safe space" during this time where people could be themselves and many people who grew up in the 80s, 90s and 00s in Swansea and south Wales saw Champers as a place where they could find their community.


From private rooms and apartments to LGBTQ-friendly hotels, you have the option to stay in the heart of gay districts as well as other neighborhoods in the places you visit. Please refer to our Help Center. Sign up Log in. Gay accommodations in Swansea. Type of space. Please select dates to see availability and prices. See Ranking criteria. Booked 4 times.

Swansea gay bars

Champers is fondly remembered as a safe space for gay people in the 80s, 90s, 00s before closing in We have more newsletters. A popular gay venue is returning for one night only next month in a bid to revive the scene in Swansea. The bar had many different owners over the years and was eventually bought by chains Pulse and later OMG! On a Facebook post by Pynk, the organisers wrote: "Many of you will remember Champers, which for much of its history was open when Section 28 was still in force. People remember Champers as a friendly and welcoming space, where people didn't have to pretend to be anything but who they authentically were. We are excited to be hosting this reunion party for everyone to enjoy.

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It's of more importance at the moment while there isn't a dedicated queer venue, that people put on nights that are welcoming to everybody. I tried afternoon tea at the luxury Welsh hotel that can't stop winning awards. Invalid email Something went wrong, please try again later. Champers is fondly remembered as a safe space for gay people in the 80s, 90s, 00s before closing in We made sure the poster and pictures that we used show the iconic glass cubes on the outside of the building. It is certainly easier now for people to be gay and bisexual in mainstream clubs but I think what is different now is that there is still a lot of prejudice against trans people and non-binary people and I think that's still a place where safe spaces are particularly important now. The statement continued: "We have since tried to do a deal on another venue which the landlord there decided he doesn't want a bar run from it. More info. When Christopher started going out to gay bars in Swansea, Champers was one that he avoided. More Newsletters. On a Facebook post by Pynk, the organisers wrote: "Many of you will remember Champers, which for much of its history was open when Section 28 was still in force. Wales Rugby Team. This may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. Crescent moon is spotted in Saudi Arabia marking start of Ramadan.

But one re-opening is hoped to change that. It featured large neon lights, a penny piece bar counter and large artificial trees 'growing' out of the bar in a space uniquely designed to be a social media hub for party-goers at the start or end of their nights out. The new bar was labelled a bar "with a difference" at the time.

We wanted to go back to the old Champers days. See our Privacy Notice. By Molly Dowrick Senior Reporter. Charlotte Church. The One Show's Alex Jones says 'so grateful' as she shares family update. I couldn't cope with the world until I found my wife, but marrying her took away all the help I needed to survive. It was on the high street, it was really rough there and we used to have H20 down the marina which was well out the way so that was ideal for me. Lucy explained: "There is a negative side of the story of queer spaces and gay spaces in Swansea and elsewhere. What's On News. We have more newsletters. Read more: Popular sunflower field renamed in honour of boy who died aged three. This may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. It's of more importance at the moment while there isn't a dedicated queer venue, that people put on nights that are welcoming to everybody.

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