tatuajes de la santa muerte en la mano

Tatuajes de la santa muerte en la mano

Now, you might be wondering — who is Santa Muerte?


Tatuajes de la santa muerte en la mano


Mexican culture considers death as a passageway to another state of existence, which is why Santa Muerte plays an important role there. Santa Muerte gathers those looking for hope.


La Santa Muerte mexicana puede llevar una bala en una mano y una balanza en la otra. La balanza simboliza el poder y la justicia, mientras que la bala simboliza la tierra. Se la considera madre misericordiosa y patrona de toda la humanidad. Los bocetos de tatuajes al estilo de la Santa Muerte suelen representarse en forma de rostro de mujer, con elementos craneales. Sin embargo, esto no ha impedido que la popularidad de la Santa Muerte haya crecido exponencialmente. Era inevitable que la gente convirtiera a la Virgen de la Santa Muerte en arte corporal. La Santa Muerte es una secta distinta de otras religiones. De hecho, algunos seguidores de la Santa Muerte siguen practicando activamente otras religiones de forma paralela. Es bastante sorprendente.

Tatuajes de la santa muerte en la mano

El origen de esta deidad se remonta a los tiempos de las poblaciones precolombinas. Muchos de los aspectos que lo caracterizan derivan de hecho de Mictecacihuati , la diosa azteca de la muerte y el renacimiento. Para comprender mejor los diversos significados que puede tomar esta deidad, es necesario profundizar el culto que la deifica. Su culto se basa en la idea de que la muerte equivale a la justicia absoluta y que, sin hacer distinciones sociales, es lo mismo para todos.

Miya cech

Today, you can see tattoos featuring this saint worldwide. Pick an artist who has similar work in their portfolio, or go with someone whose style you appreciate. Of course, a vast majority is in Mexico, but believers in the United States and Central America can also be found. Text us on to find out more. Of course, a vast majority is in Mexico, but believers in the United States and Central America can also be found. Santa Muerte gathers those looking for hope. Mexican culture considers death as a passageway to another state of existence, which is why Santa Muerte plays an important role there. Christianity is strong in Mexican culture, and an increase in criminal activities caused gang members to call this saint for assistance. Pick an artist who has similar work in their portfolio, or go with someone whose style you appreciate. The cartel wars in Mexico seem to be behind a major increase in those who worship the Lady of the Dead. They called her the Lady of the Dead or Mictecacihuatl. They called her the Lady of the Dead or Mictecacihuatl. If you plan on getting a Santa Muerte tattoo, you can choose from different designs. The person who gets this tattoo believes that powerful forces gather to protect them from unwanted actions.


The cartel wars in Mexico seem to be behind a major increase in those who worship the Lady of the Dead. Some decide for these tattoos to get protection from incidents like being a part of the robbery and getting shot accidentally. Santa Muerte gathers those looking for hope. Christianity is strong in Mexican culture, and an increase in criminal activities caused gang members to call this saint for assistance. Menu Cart 0. Therefore, many Mexicans turn to her to celebrate passing from life to death. Instead of fearing or worrying about death, Santa Muerte helps people embrace it as inevitable. If you plan on getting a Santa Muerte tattoo, you can choose from different designs. Pick an artist who has similar work in their portfolio, or go with someone whose style you appreciate. Text us on to find out more. In modern Mexico, Santa Muerte received the first place where followers could worship her in Pick an artist who has similar work in their portfolio, or go with someone whose style you appreciate. Andrew Chesnut , Ph. It could include preventing them from doing stupid things and stopping something stupid from happening to them.

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