Tenet arca plasmor build
The [Tenet Arca Plasmor] is the Tenet Version of the [Arca Plasmor] and is obtained by either vanquishing a Sister of Parvos or trading from a player a Sister that they already conquered.
Asked by Pampuwink , December 31, Replace chilling grasp with prime version of it and contagious spread with toxic barrage , you'll get more elemental damage and more status chance and maybe swap your bonus weapon element for heat. IIRC and I may be incorrect because the arca plasmor doesn't have slash, hunter munitions is not very effective. It'll be easier to keep stacks up at max with a 20sec timer, and headshots to activate the stacks are actually pretty easy considering the plasmor's innate punchthru, just aim it at head level thru crowds. And Yes, the additional headshot mulitplier from Deadhead Does benefit.
Tenet arca plasmor build
When you get your hands on a Riven for this weapon the Flex Slot to replace will be what was previously discussed before, tenet arca plasmor build. Primary Deadhead and sell the Riven to someone who doesn't know what Dispo is.
Staggering blasts now ricochet and have greater range at the cost of a slower fire and reload speed. Surviving enemies are consumed with radiation. A feature of the Tenet Arca Plasmor is that the projectiles fired from it are able to ricochet from surfaces, bouncing off of them to hit additional enemies further away. Do read our guide. The Tenet Arca Plasmor is excellent for taking out enemies and if they are not destroyed by the initial hits, they are sure to suffer from Status Effects. Carefully placed shots can allow you to hit several enemies due to the ricocheting projectiles fired from the weapon, making it easier to take out larger groups or hit enemies out of range. Since the Tenet Arca Plasmor deals purely elemental damage, there is no need for addition for Physical Damage, instead, purely elemental builds will suffice.
Tenet arca plasmor build
The Tenet Arca Plasmor is a custom variant based on the Corpus weapon, which features ricocheting blasts to hit more enemies. This weapon can clear out groups of enemies easily thanks to its high base radiation damage and its wide projectile spread. It features a higher Status Chance as well as a moderate Critical Chance, making it good for many different builds. The Critical Barrage Build focuses on dealing high amounts of damage to enemies with the likely chance of your projectiles dealing critical hits. This will allow you to take advantage of the high damage the Arca Plasmor has, which causes it to kill most enemies with a single hit. Enemies that survive the initial hits will most likely be affected by status effects, which will make them easier to finish off afterward. With the Status Barrage Build, you can easily bombard your enemies with high amounts of damage while also inflicting them with status effects. The high base Status Chance of this weapon allows it to reach Enemies will be vulnerable to several types of status effects depending on how you arrange your Status Damage mods. The Hybrid Plasmor Build is a combination of a Critical Chance and Status Chance build, which allows it to deal high amounts of damage and inflict status effects.
The long drive
Gara Prime guide by UltimoFive. All Elements will stay the same for each Faction. Recommended Posts. Warframe and the Warframe logo are trademarks of Digital Extremes Ltd. I was actually planning on revisiting the [Arca Plasmor] , but when this got announced I was so excited. This is another one of those instances where I was going to choose a different Element Combination, but after seeing how well Gas worked, I couldn't say no. Asked by Pampuwink , December 31, Tiltskillet Posted December 31, PSN haphazardlynamed Posted December 31, Support Support Privacy Policy. The [Tenet Arca Plasmor] is the Tenet Version of the [Arca Plasmor] and is obtained by either vanquishing a Sister of Parvos or trading from a player a Sister that they already conquered.
Warframe School. Instead, you can simply rely on the core strength of the Arca Plasmor and use the high base damage and good critical chance in combination with radiation damage and a good accuracy.
Epitaph guide by UltimoFive. Cleanse Mods - In place of their Primed Counterparts if you don't have them. I'd switch Primary Merciless for Primary Deadhead. IIRC and I may be incorrect because the arca plasmor doesn't have slash, hunter munitions is not very effective. Viral with the Occasional Slash proc turns this Shotgun into an amazing Corrupted and Grineer Killer and is a blast to use. Pampuwink Posted December 31, Support Support Privacy Policy. The [Tenet Arca Plasmor] has a max rank of Gara Prime guide by UltimoFive. Mirage's Eclipse mixed with her Hall of Mirrors adds a massive damage bonus during the day or in light. The [Tenet Arca Plasmor] is the Tenet Version of the [Arca Plasmor] and is obtained by either vanquishing a Sister of Parvos or trading from a player a Sister that they already conquered.
Absolutely with you it agree. In it something is also idea good, I support.