

Thragg was born on Viltrum as the son of one of thragg closest advisors of Emperor Argall. He was trained in all manners of combat and bred to be the strongest Viltrumite, thragg.

Grand Regent Thragg was trained since birth to be one of the strongest, most skilled fighters, and leaders for the Viltrumite Empire. He took over as leader of his people in his late teens Earth years and focused his reign on finding a way for the Viltrumite Empire to move past the Scourge Virus and for his race to survive. Thragg was created by Robert Kirkman , his first appearance was in Invincible Returns 1. He wanted to kill conquest for his failure but gave him one more chance. Due to a mole deep within the Coalition of Planets he receives news of their next steps in their war plans which opens the opportunity to attack Mark's ship on its way to Talescria. The attack proved to be successful in the initial stages, the starship used by the Coalition of Planets was destroyed but due to the determination of Mark he manages to kill Conquest before he killed Oliver.


Powers and Abilities Thragg possesses all of the evolutionary advantages that are common to the Viltrumite race including vast superhuman strength, speed, durability, stamina and flight , albeit at a significantly higher level than those of an average Viltrumite. See the Generic Viltrumites write-up for a more in-depth discussion regarding the powers of an average Viltrumite. This is an abridged version of the history that can be found in the Generic Viltrumites write-up. Like all Viltrumite infants he was conceived through a process of eugenics and selective breeding. From the moment he was born, Thragg was subjected to a gruelling training regime. Its sole purpose was to maximize his raw physical power and to create the most capable and dangerous tactical mind amongst their kind. It was a success. At its completion, Thragg possessed a level of strength and ruthlessness that outstripped every other Viltrumite in existence. Presumably, upon reaching maturity, Thragg served as a member of the Viltrumite World Conquering Committee and was a loyal member of the Viltrumite Empire. He was exceptionally loyal to the Viltrumite Grand Regent Lord Argall and served him loyally up until the moment of his murder. In less that a year, It was from the ashes of this debilitating attack that Thragg seized control and under his leadership the crippled empire endured. Despite his awesome physical power, Thragg manipulated events from the sidelines and rarely if ever intervened physically.

Thragg headbutts Nolan, but is interrupted by Battle Beast. Before he dies, Battle Beast thank Thragg and Thragg crushes his thragg.

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Grand Regent Thragg was trained since birth to be one of the strongest, most skilled fighters, and leaders for the Viltrumite Empire. He took over as leader of his people in his late teens Earth years and focused his reign on finding a way for the Viltrumite Empire to move past the Scourge Virus and for his race to survive. Thragg was created by Robert Kirkman , his first appearance was in Invincible Returns 1. He wanted to kill conquest for his failure but gave him one more chance. Due to a mole deep within the Coalition of Planets he receives news of their next steps in their war plans which opens the opportunity to attack Mark's ship on its way to Talescria. The attack proved to be successful in the initial stages, the starship used by the Coalition of Planets was destroyed but due to the determination of Mark he manages to kill Conquest before he killed Oliver. Thragg receives report of this as the Viltrumite war escalates. The Coalition begin to gain the upper hand due to their use of weapons lethal to even Viltrumites. Despite his efforts the war seemed to be swinging in favor of the Coalition. Things worsen for him after he receives news that Mark Grayson had actually killed Conquest.


When it comes to the Invincible series, there are few enemies quite as terrifying as the Grand Regent of the Viltrumites, Thragg. Acting as the true antagonist of the series, Thragg poses one of the most significant threats the heroes of Invincible face. On the contrary, the two men have one of the most brutal battles in the entire series. Exactly what Thragg does and who he brutalizes across the series may be a mystery to some, but in due time, fans of the Invincible series will know exactly how dangerous he can be.

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Make sure this is what you intended. Even despite being bull-rushed by his fellow Viltrumites or throw into the sun, he does not slow down at all. It is revealed that Thragg has an inside spy in the Coalition of Planets, and has tasked him to take down the planetary barrier on Talescria. Dinosaurus attempts to bite Thragg, shattering his teeth in the process. They end up fighting inches away from the sun as their bodies become even more unrecognizable. While Space Racer runs, Thragg attempts to kill him. About us FAQ Donate. However the Grayson's intervene, destroying the main vessels along with Thaedus and thwart the invasion. He makes a move on Talescria with having his daughter, Ursaal attack one of their major buildings. After a confrontation on the planet, Thragg reveals that due to the dwindling population of Viltrumites he decided that they would come here, blend in and would interbreed with humans due to the great success it has proved Mark Grayson.

Thragg was born on Viltrum as the son of one of the closest advisors of Emperor Argall. He was trained in all manners of combat and bred to be the strongest Viltrumite. After the battle, the Viltrumites would emerge an unbeatable race led by him.

He tells the duo that he knows about Allen's plan to dispense the Scourge Virus into Earth and asks why he shouldn't kill them. Thragg thanks the duo for ensuring Viltrumite survival and leaves, ending the Viltrumite War [10]. He would keep Argall's skull as a reminder of what would happen were the Empire to fall into disarray. After a short battle, Thragg impales Oliver and kills him in front of Terra. Thragg knocks her away, nearly killing her. Mark deduces that because they destroyed Viltrum, Thragg will surely go to Earth and destroy it. Current Wiki. We will restore our ranks over the course of thousands of years. We will not attack you He then has his left eye and gashed-open head patched up.

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