tom sawyer cartoon series

Tom sawyer cartoon series

Tom Sawyer is a young boy growing up along the Mississippi River in the mid s. Along with his best friend Huckleberry Finn, he spends his days ditching school, fishing, climbing trees an

Tom Sawyer doesn't like school much. Escaping from the schoolhouse, he's off to the woods to catch a wild pig with his friend Huck. Their attempts to sell the pig at the harbor end with a wild disturbance on the steamboat. Tom is dismayed when Aunt Polly tells him he must spend his Saturday whitewashing the fence. Too long to paint in one day, Tom convinces his friends of the joys of the job, and soon has all the help he needs.

Tom sawyer cartoon series

Production 11 episodes eps 5, 8, 12, 16, 21, 25, 29, 33, 37, 41, 45 Trans Arts Co. Mitchell Joe the indian Mr Thatcher Mr. Dobbins Portugal 1st dub Sr. Rogers Portugal 1st dub Joao Pinto as Dr. Mitchell Portugal 2nd dub - 1st half Sr. Collins Portugal 2nd dub - 1st half Sr. Dobbins Portugal 2nd dub - 1st half Sr. Collins Portugal 2nd dub - 2nd half Sr. Chinese Taiwan cast none. Compare this anime's credits with others. No account yet?

Tom's First Date.


Tom Sawyer doesn't like school much. Escaping from the schoolhouse, he's off to the woods to catch a wild pig with his friend Huck. Their attempts to sell the pig at the harbor end with a wild disturbance on the steamboat. Tom is dismayed when Aunt Polly tells him he must spend his Saturday whitewashing the fence. Too long to paint in one day, Tom convinces his friends of the joys of the job, and soon has all the help he needs. Tom goes to the harbor to meet his cousin Mary, and sees Becky Thacher for the first time. Her family moves into St. Petersburg, and Tom falls in love. Tom tries to arouse Becky's interest at Sunday School, but is ignored.

Tom sawyer cartoon series

Huckleberry Finn and his friends, Tom Sawyer and Becky Thatcher, travel from one animated world to the next, always followed by the same villain, Injun Joe. The gimmick is that Huck, Tom, an Read all Huckleberry Finn and his friends, Tom Sawyer and Becky Thatcher, travel from one animated world to the next, always followed by the same villain, Injun Joe. The gimmick is that Huck, Tom, and Becky are live action characters and everything else is animated. Sign In Sign In.

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Photography : Trans Arts Co. Animation Director : Akio Sugino ep 17 Michiyo Sakurai 9 episodes eps 9, 14, 19, 24, 27, 31, 36, 40, Discuss in the forum, contribute to the Encyclopedia, build your own MyAnime lists, and more. Petersburg, Missouri. Becky discovers his lie but her anger is replaced with surprise when she sees Huck's newly built tree house. Wanja Gerick as Joe Harper. Or is the whole thing a cover for marketing and business relationships? Filipina Pamintuan as Sid Sawyer. Chained Soldier Cherry Magic! Game Reviews Columns incl. Claude Chantal as Aunt Sally. Jackie Berger as Huckleberry Finn 2nd voice. Douglas Portugal 1st dub.

Capturing all the fun, adventure and life lessons of the classic Mark Twain novel, the series follows the imaginative and mischievous boy, Tom Sawyer, and a colorful cast of characters living in the small river town of St. Petersburg, Missouri. This video is currently unavailable to watch in your location.

Claude Chantal as Aunt Sally. Compare Credits Compare this anime with others. Her family moves into St. Animation Adventure Comedy. Ermelinda Duarte as Margarida Portugal 1st dub Sra. Kaoru Ozawa as Mary. Carla Barros as Tom Sawyer Portugal 2nd dub - 1st half. Animation Director : Akio Sugino ep 17 Michiyo Sakurai 9 episodes eps 9, 14, 19, 24, 27, 31, 36, 40, Rogers Catalan dub. While the rankings have been on an unplanned hiatus over the past few weeks, our top 3 has remained unchanged with Dangers in My Heart ruling the season. Executive producer : Hilel Chelminsky Zima Entertainment. Huckleberry Finn.

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