These clutter ufyh take up a lot of physical and mental space. In a basket? Still in the dryer, days later? Try tackling it just a couple of pieces at a time, ufyh.
UfYH is gender-neutral. If you live somewhere, you deserve for that place to be nice and clean and livable, and you should be the one who makes it that way. I don't care who you are or what box or boxes you check or don't. Stepping Out of Squalor. Squalor Board.
Ever since we moved, I've been keeping my kitchen cleaner-- we used to routinely let the dishes go for days, and I used to hate cleaning the kitchen, being in the kitchen, and cooking. I've been cleaning it almost every night since we moved into this house, and it's so nice starting the day with a clean kitchen, and having lots of spotless counter space to cook. It is actually something I look forward to now because it feels so satisfying when I'm done. It's crazy that I've been so stubborn about hating chores and "domestic" duties that I've been completely blind to how having a messy house effects my state of mind. I have lots of baggage from my childhood around cleaning I grew up in a house that was borderline hoarder-level with clutter, and we only cleaned when company was coming and it was always a very stressful event. I didn't really realize how bad it was till I moved away and then came back to visit-- it's instant bad vibes as soon as you go inside. With the kitchen being the first thing you see when you walk into this house, it really affects the energy of the house having it clean and minimally cluttered. I'm still waiting on some curtains for the front window, and playing with the idea of some retro wallpaper to make it extra cheerful. Then wiped the bottom and walls down. In fairness the bulk of the big pile was like 5 blankets that just needed storing but AHHHH I was living in chaos all week and it's finally back to normal. Spent some time on this dresser. Woke up early this morning. Like 9 ish. After staying up almost all night. Sophia and I had cereal and she had chips too.
Thanks for posting it.
UfYH: Terrifying motivation for lazy people with messy homes. Please be advised that this app contains profanity. The word "filth," in-app, is replaced by the other f-word. There is a lot of swearing. Really so very much swearing. Please do not buy this app and then be shocked by the swearing, because there is a lot of it, and here we are, telling you about it right up front. Rather than encourage marathon cleaning sessions, UfYH gives you the tools to clean up, a little at a time.
UfYH: Terrifying motivation for lazy people with messy homes. Please be advised that this app contains profanity. The word "filth," in-app, is replaced by the other f-word. There is a lot of swearing. Really so very much swearing. Please do not buy this app and then be shocked by the swearing, because there is a lot of it, and here we are, telling you about it right up front. Rather than encourage marathon cleaning sessions, UfYH gives you the tools to clean up, a little at a time.
You can do this. You just need to do it. You have a list. You have directions. You have a whole bunch of Internet strangers who have been there before and who are cheering you on. You can do this, but you need to get started. Panic leads to fear, fear leads to procrastination, procrastination leads to the dark side.
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Jan 29, pm notes. Still struggling? No messing around just get on with it Robert Fulghum. Also the description of this app is VERY clear about the language used and honestly it's not that bad. Nov 11, pm notes. Nov 10, pm notes. Nov 7, am notes. I've overheard worse leaving church service. What household shit has you confused and overwhelmed? Half-ass it! Judge me idc. Home About Get the book!
This interval is totally adjustable!
Apple Vision Requires visionOS 1. Such as: "Get your butt out of the chair! Bribe yourself! Do part of it! Search Posts. I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. Though I find the tumblr format annoying. Oh this is so funny. I have UFYH in my tumblr feed. I'm a fan of the site and use it for inspiration sometimes. Love it! RSS Feed Archive.
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