uk singles chart archive

Uk singles chart archive

The Official Chart, broadcast on BBC Radio 1 and MTV Official UK Top 40is the UK music industry's recognised official measure of singles and albums popularity because it is the most comprehensive research panel of its kind, today surveying over 15, uk singles chart archive, retailers and digital services daily, capturing

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Uk singles chart archive

The UK chart saw incredible growth and diversity in its first 47 years, from the birth rock and roll in the s, to Beatlemania and psychedelia in the s, glam rock, disco and punk in the 70s, rap and house music in the 80s, and finally the grunge, Britpop and dance music of the s. Truly the best century for music! On this website you can search for artists or song titles by keyword and date range, search by highest chart position, view an artist's entire catalogue, and view a song's chart history; it's a comprehensive database just a few clicks away. We also offer quizzes and a playlist generator that actually plays music! This website is for all music fans, whether you are a casual listener or a UK singles chart aficionado. Browse casually or use our powerful search tools to find the artists and songs you are looking for. The UK singles chart can be traced back to November , when newspaper New Musical Express NME began collecting sales data from no more than a few dozen record stores which were initially aggregated into a list of the top 12 best-selling songs. This was expanded into a top 20 list in October Rival publication Record Mirror were quick to follow, compiling their own chart from January This was initially a top 10 and then a top 20 from October , giving parity with NME. More rivals would soon arrive on the scene. Melody Maker started compiling its own top 20 from April and was soon joined by Disc in February and Record Retailer in March It's Record Retailer that is used as the source for all chart data between and early , with data from NME being used for the s.

Westlife claim the most Number 1 debuts on the Official Singles Chart, with all 14 of their chart-toppers landing there in their first week.

The UK Singles Chart was first compiled in However the records and statistics listed here date back to because the Official Charts Company counts a selected period of the New Musical Express chart only from to and the Record Retailer chart from to as predecessors for the period prior to 11 February , where multiples of competing charts coexisted side by side. For example, the BBC compiled its own chart based on an average of the music papers of the time; many songs announced as having reached number one on BBC Radio and Top of the Pops prior to may not be listed here as chart-toppers since they do not meet the legacy criteria of the Charts Company. The following is a list of all the acts who are on eight or more UK number one songs with an individual credit meaning, the main artist or named separately as a featured artist — being part of a group does not count towards an individual's total. Simply playing or singing on a single without credit will not count, or the top positions would almost certainly belong to session musicians such as Clem Cattini who is reported to have played drums on over 40 number ones. The record for most non-consecutive weeks at number one is 18 by Frankie Laine 's " I Believe " in It spent nine weeks at number one, dropped down for a week, returned to number one for six weeks, dropped down for a further week and returned to number one for a third time for three weeks.

The Official Chart, broadcast on BBC Radio 1 and MTV Official UK Top 40 , is the UK music industry's recognised official measure of singles and albums popularity because it is the most comprehensive research panel of its kind, today surveying over 15, retailers and digital services daily, capturing The OCC website contains the Top chart. The chart week runs from Friday to midnight Thursday. The Official Big Top 40 is based on Apple data only, Apple Music streams and iTunes downloads plus commercial radio airplay across the Global radio network. The UK Singles Chart began to be compiled in The company regards a select period of the New Musical Express chart only from to and the Record Retailer chart from to as predecessors for the period up to 11 February , where multiples of competing charts none official coexisted side by side.

Uk singles chart archive

The UK chart saw incredible growth and diversity in its first 47 years, from the birth rock and roll in the s, to Beatlemania and psychedelia in the s, glam rock, disco and punk in the 70s, rap and house music in the 80s, and finally the grunge, Britpop and dance music of the s. Truly the best century for music! On this website you can search for artists or song titles by keyword and date range, search by highest chart position, view an artist's entire catalogue, and view a song's chart history; it's a comprehensive database just a few clicks away. We also offer quizzes and a playlist generator that actually plays music! This website is for all music fans, whether you are a casual listener or a UK singles chart aficionado. Browse casually or use our powerful search tools to find the artists and songs you are looking for. The UK singles chart can be traced back to November , when newspaper New Musical Express NME began collecting sales data from no more than a few dozen record stores which were initially aggregated into a list of the top 12 best-selling songs. This was expanded into a top 20 list in October

Grant mattos

Since there was no rule governing a minimum number of pressings, Gorillaz released only vinyl copies of their single " Feel Good Inc. By 13 February , the whole top 9 consisted of download-only songs: [61]. New Musical Express. Music of the United Kingdom. Hit Music ceased publication in May with issue number Pos Artist Title 1. The Sunday Mercury online. Retrieved 12 March BBC Corp. Retrieved 6 April Retrieved 6 May Retrieved 31 March Immediate Media Company. The Journal.

The database at the heart of OfficialCharts. When it came to rebuilding OfficialCharts. As well as adding new charts with more to come over the coming months , we also designed it with additional data presentation mechanics in mind too.

Read Edit View history. In November , the "Next 25" section of the UK singles chart positions 76—, with special rules ceased to be printed in the trade magazine Music Week , who decided to focus on records in the charts described as hits. Retrieved 15 December BBC News. Uploaded by ElsaMartinelli77 on October 24, Maroon 5 featuring Christina Aguilera. Coca-Cola was restricted to two on-air mentions during the chart show, with the BBC justifying the deal by saying it did not negotiate or benefit financially. For example, the BBC compiled its own chart based on an average of the music papers of the time; many songs announced as having reached number one on BBC Radio and Top of the Pops prior to may not be listed here as chart-toppers since they do not meet the legacy criteria of the Charts Company. It spent nine weeks at number one, dropped down for a week, returned to number one for six weeks, dropped down for a further week and returned to number one for a third time for three weeks. The lowest weekly sale for a number one single is 17, copies held by Orson 's " No Tomorrow " in Retrieved 15 November Retrieved 23 February Rihanna featuring Jay-Z. Metropolitan Museum Cleveland Museum of Art. Retrieved 24 December

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