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Harvey Fierstein, Tony Kushner, Tom Viola, Jordan Roth and Chita Rivera were among an array of activists and artists who made a historic visit to a civil rights landmark for this exclusive photo vidios gais shot by Eric McNatt, vidios gais. Read the full story here.

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By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Private Policy and Terms of Use. All Rights reserved. Sign up for our email newsletter. Advocate Newsletter. Privacy Policy Terms of Use. Subscribe To The Advocate. Search form Search. Joe Biden delivers spirited, optimistic State of the Union, leaving Republicans looking foolish. Trending Politics. Meet the first woman and first out queer mayor of Vermont's largest city March 07 PM. A Texas university president banned drag and compared it to blackface. Washington set to create one-stop hate crimes hotline 15h.

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Madonna , artista y empresaria estadounidense, es considerada por la cultura LGBT un icono gay. Ha recibido varios reconocimientos por su activismo a favor del colectivo. El escritor Francesco Falconi en Loco por Madonna. Ha sido una persona muy importante en mi vida». A lo largo de su carrera, Madonna ha realizado varias obras de apoyo a la comunidad LGBT y ofrecido comunicados y discursos a su favor.

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For so long, good queer cinema was virtually non-existent or played into tired, tokenizing tropes. Even with that in mind, most mainstream cinema has centered on heteronormative storylines for decades. Sure, the scarcity still has you scavenging through some painful storylines from time to time, but with all that digging eventually comes gold. Over the course of the summer in , the two fall in love. But their connection threatens to change both of their lives. Watch Now. Cate Blanchette stars as Carol, a woman who has a chance encounter with another woman at a s department store. The two women hit it off and form a bond that evolves into love. But their budding romance comes with consequences. All in My Family follows a gay man and his partner who chose to have children via-surrogacy.

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