what fantastic beast character are you quiz

What fantastic beast character are you quiz

Are you a fan of Fantastic Beasts?

Several years after the Harry Potter films came out, J. Which Fantastic Beasts character are you? Answer the questions about yourself and we will let you know which character from the series that your personality matches. Instructions: Just answer the questions below and we will give you a result at the end. It will automatically move you on to the next question and there are also social sharing buttons at the end so that you can easily share your results. Here are all of the results that you could have gotten on our quiz and also some more details about each of them.

What fantastic beast character are you quiz

Which character from Fantastic Beasts are you? By: Artimis Charvet. Estimated Completion Time 2 min. But which character are you? Choose a fantastical beast:. Choose a magical beverage:. Which of the following is most important:. Choose a role model:. Which of these is a greater pleasure in your life? An angry troll chases you down, what do you do? Which City would you like to spend time in? What's your favorite subject? Which is your go-to spell?

Which quality is your strongest? Take a look. What would you do?

Cert Also available in HD. From writing an idea for what would later become Harry Potter on a napkin mid-train ride to becoming a household name and multimillionaire, author JK Rowling had quite the journey. But she never forgot her fans, writing the screenplay for Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them and the sequel as an homage to her fans. Picking up where the last film ended, the sequel finds the dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald Johnny Depp locked up in prison.

If you are a die-hard Harry Potter fan, we assume you must be following its spin-off series Fantastic Beasts too. That being said, do you know which character are you from the Crimes of Grindelwald? Well, take this quiz and answer each question honestly and see what you get! I don't have any aesthetic desires for a wand. The greatest power comes from your heart and will. I see good even in bad, and can draw it out to represent the best version of something they thought was bad. I can't see anyone in pain, I am empathetic. I can tell if something is wrong with them even if they try their best to hide it. Here's an interesting quiz for you. Search Speak now.

What fantastic beast character are you quiz

Are you a fan of fantastic beasts? This fantasy film is all about magic and wizarding. If you relate yourself to any of the characters while watching this fantasy film, this quiz is for you. We have a got a few questions to evaluate the character similar to your personality. Take this fun quiz and enjoy. All the best! Hope you get your favorite character in the result.

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What color would your briefcase be? Choose a wand:. Mobile Newsletter banner close. Need Help? What are you? Choose a book:. Show me the latest releases on the Virgin Media Store. Which of these elements do you like the most? Which Hogwarts house would you be in? Describe yourself in a word:. Max 5 registered devices.

Are you ready to discover which Fantastic Beasts character you truly are? The possibilities are endless, and the results are sure to surprise you. So, grab your wand and prepare to embark on a journey through the wizarding world.

Credence is someone that is extremely shy, timid, and had a very troubled childhood. Which pet would you get? After years of repressing his magic, he unleashed a dangerous Obscurus, which is a dark parasitic force. Which City would you like to spend time in? Leta Lestrange was close friends with Newt during their time at Hogwarts and she also was engaged to his brother, Theseus. Which of the following is most important:. What would you get in trouble for? Tina Goldstein. Sorry, no results found. Dumbledore is someone who shared a romance and complicated relationship with Gellert Grindelwald. Theseus is the brother of Newt and plays a big role in the series.

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