wolffe star wars

Wolffe star wars

This article's information is out of date and requires an update to it. Please read the following material with awareness of possible misinformation and old info. Wolfpack th Battalion. He served under Jedi General Plo Wolffe star wars in the th Battalion 's Wolfpack squad and was one of the most famous clone commanders of all time, wolffe star wars.

Content approaching. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. The leader of the th Battalion 's famed Wolfpack squad , Commander Wolffe proved to be tireless in his efforts against the Confederacy of Independent Systems , displaying an affinity for strategy. On his first mission with Koon, Wolffe served on board the Jedi Master 's flagship , the Triumphant , when Koon led a task force to eliminate the Separatist warship Malevolence. While confronting the Malevolence in the Abregado system , all the troopers from the Wolfpack who were on board the ship were eliminated , save for Koon, Wolffe, Clone Sergeant Sinker , and trooper Boost. The four were rescued by Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan , Ahsoka Tano , and Wolffe had his unit adopt new clone trooper armor in honor of his fallen comrades. Refusing to let the loss of the Wolfpack deter him from his service, he inspired loyalty amongst his men.

Wolffe star wars

He has faced great loss in his time aboard the ironically named flagship The Triumphant, when nearly every clone trooper on the ship was killed by General Grievous, with Wolffe enduring as one of the few survivors. Perhaps for this reason, along with the example of Plo Koon, Wolffe has shown empathy and regard for his subordinates. The bonds between the various members of the Wolfpack and their leader are enduring, cemented amid some of the worst fighting of the Clone Wars. Among his other scars, Commander Wolffe lost his right eye in a clash with Sith Assassin Asajj Ventress, and had it replaced with a cybernetic replacement. Commander Wolffe is noted for being a capable strategist and his abilities reflect this, allowing for close coordination with his soldiers. Additionally, Wolffe can choose to Run and Gun for an additional Dash followed by a focus action to augment his offensive output. This makes them difficult to thwart when closing on their chosen prey, as does Pack Hunter , which augments the melee attacks made by Wolffe or his subordinates so long as another Clone Trooper is engaged with the target. As his tactics suggest, Commander Wolffe is an aggressive combatant who prefers swift and overwhelming assaults, though he advances with due consideration of the disposition of his foes and evaluating how best to dismantle them. His Practical Strategist Stance serves him well, providing strong Ranged and Melee Attack stats, representing his facility to fire deadly shots with his DC Blaster Pistols either at range or when engaged with his foe at point blank. When fighting in close, his Melee Attack Expertise Chart gives a greater chance for Criticals, though both his attack charts provide additional strikes. Wherever Commander Wolffe takes to the field he is likely to be accompanied by his brothers-in-arms among the th Wolfpack, whose loyalty and implacability are well known. This allows them to move swiftly and augment attacks with a focus action as well as to benefit from melee attacking enemies already engaged by other Clone Troopers. Additionally, they can also engage in Coordinated Fire as a Reactive Ability to allow Galactic Republic allies to inflict Strained when firing on foes in their vicinity. This means there are considerable benefits to deploying the Wolfpack with strategic forethought, positioning them carefully on the battlefield to maximize their teamwork.

Gregor : " Hey, Wolffe. However, when Tambor's forces were breached by their incursion, he destroyed the city as to not allow it to be wolffe star wars by the Republic.


To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! Content approaching. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. The leader of the th Battalion 's famed Wolfpack squad , Commander Wolffe proved to be tireless in his efforts against the Confederacy of Independent Systems , displaying an affinity for strategy. On his first mission with Koon, Wolffe served on board the Jedi Master 's flagship , the Triumphant , when Koon led a task force to eliminate the Separatist warship Malevolence. While confronting the Malevolence in the Abregado system , all the troopers from the Wolfpack who were on board the ship were eliminated , save for Koon, Wolffe, Clone Sergeant Sinker , and trooper Boost. The four were rescued by Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan , Ahsoka Tano , and Wolffe had his unit adopt new clone trooper armor in honor of his fallen comrades.

Wolffe star wars

Television TV Reviews. News Television. The group was also able to provide Echo with information on the Tantiss Mad Science facility, where Dr. This week, we get to see what a major character from both Clone Wars and Rebels has been up to during this time period. As always, the recap portion of this review will contain plenty of spoilers along with some brief explorations of Star Wars lore.

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Wolffe directed the clone gunners to target and destroy the Confederate Munificent -class star frigates. Explore Wikis Community Central. Wolffe also had little appreciation for the eccentric customs of the Aleena species and disregarded King Manchucho's beliefs in the underground Kindalo dwellers as nonsense. Believing that the rebels were a threat, Wolffe sent a transmission that was picked up by the Imperial Agent Kallus , alerting the Empire of the rebel presence. Wolffe then took a squad of shock troopers to Coruscant's underworld to find Ahsoka Tano and ascertain if she was really behind the bombing at the Jedi Temple. With both Jedi rescued, they cut their grappling hook cables just in time for the ship to start falling apart. Wolffe was a Clone Commander who was bred from a template of the bounty hunter Jango Fett. Wolffe initially wore Phase I clone trooper armor which had maroon colors and a kama. Sometime prior to Order 66 he removed his inhibitor chip and along with Rex and Gregor he deserted the Republic army. Additionally, they can also engage in Coordinated Fire as a Reactive Ability to allow Galactic Republic allies to inflict Strained when firing on foes in their vicinity. Additionally, Wolffe can choose to Run and Gun for an additional Dash followed by a focus action to augment his offensive output. However, they were saved by the White Loth-wolf.

This week brought two brand new episodes of "The Bad Batch," a larger story in the context of the season's overarching narrative. Though the Bad Batch features prominently in these two episodes, dozens of other Clones take center stage as we learn that Captain Rex has been building an entire cadre of Clones to fight the Empire.

When fighting in close, his Melee Attack Expertise Chart gives a greater chance for Criticals, though both his attack charts provide additional strikes. Wolffe made visual contact with the pod just as the droids cut into the pod and killed the troopers; leaving only Koon, Wolffe, Sinker, and Boost as the sole survivors of the battle. Current Wiki. It also dates the Battle of Scarif to C. Wolffe later went with Koon to one of the moons of Oba Diah. They were then contacted and approached by the Spectres rebel cell, who had been sent by Ahsoka Tano to acquire locations of Outer Rim bases for the rebellion. This ushered the end of Imperial rule on Lothal. Additionally, they can also engage in Coordinated Fire as a Reactive Ability to allow Galactic Republic allies to inflict Strained when firing on foes in their vicinity. Wolfpack Troopers benefit from Strength in Numbers , a Stance that reflects their training and role. They were later rescued by Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano. CC, eventually known by the name Wolffe, was cloned on the planet Kamino like every clone in the Grand Army of the Republic. Plo Koon told of Wolffe's discovery to the other Jedi and they were able to plan a rescue mission to free Koth. With both Jedi rescued, they cut their grappling hook cables just in time for the ship to start falling apart.

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