Wotlk talent calc

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Wanted something that would be ideal to use with Warglaives. The build incorporates talents like Deathwish and Sword Specialization in Arms. But I thought this build might be nice to use alongside Warglaives or if you happen to be using a fast OH weapon. Mainhand would be Spiteblade. Most guilds are going to want 1 arms warrior normal 2H spec or DW Kebab spec if you got a lot of physical DPS as most have given the strength of hunters. This topic was automatically closed 60 days after the last reply.

Wotlk talent calc

Hey guys, just found this calculator for the new talents. Yep, but until then… here ya go. I will go for full arcane guardian druid build. Wonder if owl eclipses will also buff your arcane damage in bear form. I tried it out but I got analysis paralysis from it so I wait until they are available in German and then try it again. Me too. I mean with the current talent trees that we can see you can already create an owlweave bear build. I just looked at the talent calculator, that someone link. It makes it harder to choose what to pick. This topic was automatically closed 30 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed. Clickable Dragonflight talent calculator Community General Discussion.

New replies are no longer allowed. Someoneelse-xavius Someoneelse June 4,pm 8.


Even looking at that talents tree making me so sad. Seems cool classic road is over, welcome to highway to hell, brothers. Stop moaning about Cata. Just look at the talents them selves. There is no 5 point talent to reduce the cast time of your main spell by 0. Is that fun to you? If you don't like Cata you can play classic , hardcore and SoD.

Wotlk talent calc


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Madorin-malfurion Madorin June 4, , pm 5. Note that Patch Hawne-blaumeux August 30, , am 8. Fixed a bug causing Blood for the Blood Loa stacks to not be exchanged when the battle is not active. Resources Terms of Service. Cheeseknife-westfall August 29, , pm 1. I just looked at the talent calculator, that someone link. World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Talent Preview. In the Player Feedback Loop As a part of ongoing development in Dragonflight, the development team identified three issues to address based on community feedback regarding the dungeon system as it is: Heroic dungeons are barely distinct from Normal dungeons at maximum level, and that distinction mostly only matters during a few days after players first reach max level. Me too. Whizbang Spawning Fixed.


Litea-ambossar June 10, , am New replies are no longer allowed. World of Warcraft News and Raiding Strategies. WoW Hotfixes - March 12, This topic was automatically closed 60 days after the last reply. Dragonflight Season 4 Dungeon Changes Ahead. Most guilds are going to want 1 arms warrior normal 2H spec or DW Kebab spec if you got a lot of physical DPS as most have given the strength of hunters. This means that other than new mega-dungeons, there isn't really a place for endgame players who enjoy a more methodical dungeon pacing and gameplay. Cheeseknife-westfall August 29, , pm 1. Site Navigation. You gotta spread your criticism to other threads? I mean with the current talent trees that we can see you can already create an owlweave bear build. I tried it out but I got analysis paralysis from it so I wait until they are available in German and then try it again. Need an account?

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