god of war faye actress

God of war faye actress

Sign In. Christopher Judge Kratos voice. Sunny Suljic Atreus voice. Danielle Bisutti Freya voice.

Deborah Ann Woll born February 7, is an American actress. In , she provided the voice and motion capture of Faye in the video game God of War: Ragnarok. She originally joined as a recurring character in the first season, but was promoted to a regular cast member for the second season onwards. At the 16th Screen Actors Guild Awards which took place the year following, she and her co-stars were nominated for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series. Woll maintained the role of Jessica until the series' ending in In , Woll made a brief appearance in the romantic comedy-drama film Ruby Sparks. In , Woll starred in the comedy film Silver Lake.

God of war faye actress


August 14, Neon Splatter. In other projects.


Kratos and his son Atreus face the oncoming Norse apocalypse, Ragnarok. Kratos : Death can have me when it earns me. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Play trailer Action Adventure Drama. Director Eric Williams.

God of war faye actress

She was the second wife of Kratos and the mother of Atreus. She was a giant disguised as a human, and we learn in God of War Ragnarok that she led a rebellion against Odin and the other gods. Unfortunately, her rebellion failed, but her legacy lives on in her son, Atreus. God of War Ragnarok is her first video game role. I think of her as being one of my favorite scene partners in my career, because of her talent. Every actor depends on their scene partner. I am a fan. Category: Guides.

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Erin Yvette Additional Voices voice. Archived from the original on April 9, In , she provided the voice and motion capture of Faye in the video game God of War: Ragnarok. Woll in Retrieved September 16, Terrance Matthews Walla Performer voice. The Washington Post. It's a great way to learn about all the cool games out there. Brian Kimmet Additional Voices voice. May 14, Archived from the original on May 11, Jessica Rau Additional Voices. December 20, December 19,

Deborah Ann Woll born February 7, is an American actress. In , she provided the voice and motion capture of Faye in the video game God of War: Ragnarok.

Quantum Leap. Andrew Morgado Additional Voices voice. April 4, Archived from the original on May 30, Retrieved December 29, Retrieved August 8, Archived from the original on November 13, Woll provided the voice of Faye in the video game God of War: Ragnarok in At the 16th Screen Actors Guild Awards which took place the year following, she and her co-stars were nominated for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series. Daniel Kountz Byggvir voice. Arianna Quincy Walla Performer voice.

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