tall anime girl

Tall anime girl

In anime, tall female characters tall anime girl often portrayed as strong and powerful, with commanding personalities. They are not the typical damsel in distress waiting to be rescued by a knight in shining armor. This is a welcome change from the usual portrayal of women as weak and vulnerable.

And with all of these 4 foot, year-old, year-old-looking bundles of love and head-pats walking around we tend to forget about the female characters that are on the other side of the spectrum. That especially goes for female characters. Being the crusader of one of the most lovable groups in anime, Darkness stands out with her large stature, angelic suit of armor, and a perversion rating so high you would think she came out of Shimoneta. You might even call her hot, a bit over degrees Celsius or degrees Fahrenheit to be more precise. But even without her physical height she would definitely stand out, being the most popular girl at school and a badass fire witch on top of that. Takamiya Honoka, you live a strange life.

Tall anime girl


While not the most notable character from Hunter x Hunter, Pakunoda still deserves a spot on this list as an incredible spy and interrogator for the Phantom Troupe. Her harsh tall anime girl is a direct result of her upbringing, and she is extremely physically fit, excelling at hand-to-hand combat.


This is more commonly seen in popular sports anime shows , such as Haikyuu! In these anime, taller characters are much more likely to be seen throughout the story and use their advantage of height alongside their sports skills. However, a few key tall characters are memorable and well-received by fans in a number of anime titles across different genres. These characters may use their height to enhance the special powers, skills or abilities they hold, or sometimes height can simply be a matter of character design. Either way, these characters have made a strong impact in their roles, which has led them to stand out from the others as the 10 best tall characters in anime. Unlike Ryuk, who is fascinated with humans, but holds real concern for Light beyond his fascination with the experiment, Rem appears to despise humans, but to have developed genuine concern for Misa. Many fans have a strong attachment to Rem, as despite her role as Shinigami, she still seemed to be a good person at heart. Yu Takeyama, also known as Mt. Lady, is a much-loved character in My Hero Academia. She is well-known for her role as the pro hero ranked at number 23, and the use of her quirk, Gigantification.

Tall anime girl

Hey, not everyone can be six-foot kings, and anyone who has a height restriction isn't really worth spending any time with. While anime lives in the realms of. Recommend Me Anime. Children of the Whales is an underrated anime recommendation which had horrible marketing following a fantasy world with endless sand and a sailing island called the mud whale…. Kito Senpai. Happy Valentines Weekend people as it is time to talk about love. During the happiest week for some and the saddest week for others. As I just want…. SAE With a K.

Habc expat

Height: cm 6 feet Although she spends most of the show the size of a toddler, we must not forget Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade in her prime. Although Sayaka is the farthest from the ground in her club, she seems to be the most grounded by far. Height: cm 6 feet 1 inch Even Shinigami can struggle with a height complex, as Isane well knows. While not the most notable character from Hunter x Hunter, Pakunoda still deserves a spot on this list as an incredible spy and interrogator for the Phantom Troupe. But even with all the craziness, Honoka can count on Ayaka to be her stalwart protector and doting princess, even if her monotone demeanor may initially seem a little intimidating. If she can love her men short, we sure as hell can like our woman tall. Lots and lots of porridge. Go figure. Nobody nose. Being self-conscious about her height, Karen looked towards Gun Gale Online to seek a better, shorter life. At a staggering

So, let me share with you a list of typical super tall anime girl characters, just so you can get a better sense of it. Can you believe that C.

A highly confident girl, Meiko is often spotted on campus wearing a scanty outfit. People like Karen — self-conscious women who wish to feel more confident about their height. Alex, the tall, blonde, and beautiful Spanish-American basketball player with a bit of a kissing habit, might seem like a dream come true — until you find yourself sharing a sleeping space with her. Although Sayaka stands the tallest in her club , she is by far the most grounded. And while you may be curious about other specific features she possesses, nobody knows. Height: cm 6 feet 1 inch While not the most notable character from Hunter x Hunter, Pakunoda still deserves a spot on this list as an incredible spy and interrogator for the Phantom Troupe. Hey, even the most badass women fall prey to love! As a taller character, she makes for the perfect reality check and stern guardian. And if you still think you could take her on, just watch her arm wrestle any of the students. Breaking the scale at

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