Thanos quote
Members of WikiProject:Timeline team are working on editing pages in response to the information revealed in the book. If you wish to contribute, please do not immediately edit these pages, and instead visit the Timeline Discussion. Thanos quote collection of quotes of the Interstellar warlord Thanos, thanos quote.
Thanos : I am He discovers that the gauntlet no longer has the Infinity Stones, and that Stark used his armor's nano-technology to transfer the Stones to his arm]. Tony Stark : And I Iron Man! Thanos : I thought by eliminating half of life, the other half would thrive, but you have shown me As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those, that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist.
Thanos quote
The version of Thanos found in the MCU is one of very few superhero movie villains to earn a truly infamous and iconic reputation for their on-screen performance. While Marvel's prior roster of antagonists had some strong showings, none were so frightening yet so complex as Thanos the Mad Titan, a world-conquering cosmic being defined by his own moral compass and rules of conduct. Indeed, one of the biggest issues the MCU faces in the wake of Thanos' defeat is just who can replace him, and match both the franchise-defining moments and quotes the intimidating Avengers opponent provided. Throughout Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, Thanos' MCU powers and motives saw him present himself as both an intergalactic tyrant and a philosophical warrior. This resulted in a true range of interactions with his allies and enemies, each of which tended to contain at least one line that both perfectly defined the character, and proved him more and more fascinating. Proving to be the most iconic villain in MCU history, Thanos will be remembered best for his iconic lines , even if his plan was eventually and thankfully undone by the end of his stint as the main villain in the MCU timeline. A powerful harbinger of the pain that would come in Avengers: Endgame, this quote from Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War shows that the Mad Titan is not one to mince words. As Avengers: Infinity War explored, Thanos was hellbent on his mission. Though he could have been written off as a two-dimensional superhero antagonist, he was a villain that was driven by a complex purpose. While most saw him as a destroyer of worlds, he saw himself as their creator and redeemer. He leveled entire planets believing that they could rise anew out of the ashes, societies with a chance at more with far fewer inhabitants competing for resources. This line is only spoken in the Infinity War trailer , but still serves as a notable precursor to other similar lines that Thanos would utter in his final showdown with the Avengers in Endgame, added a sense of pathos to his overall villain arc. While striving for balance can be considered a noble objective, when it comes out of the voice of Thanos it just sounds chilling and disturbing. Seeing Thanos discuss how his mindset and ideas will bring balance to the world was thus a very memorable moment, especially given the symbolism of the scene and what it meant for both Thanos and Gamora, and their warped familial relationship.
He brought you face-to-face with the Master of the Mystic Arts.
The big baddie of MCU, Thanos is quite a polarizing character for fans. This is mainly because, despite his villainy, his ideas oddly make sense from a rational perspective. Even though his means to achieve universal harmony are questionable, his intentions are not that of a madman. Thanos' quotes from films such as Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame prove that he is much more than a one-dimensional villain. These thoughts set him apart from his comic book incarnations that seem much more simplistic in comparison. His words in the movies do bring out the question of whether he is a villain or an antihero. Thanos became a parental figure to Gamora after destroying her native world of Zen-Whoberi.
One of the most significant issues with the Marvel Cinematic Universe since its inception with Iron Man in is its inability to produce, layered, compelling, and excellent villains. None though, compared to the Mad Titan himself, Thanos. Thanos' introduction into the MCU was something anticipated for years with mid and post-credit scenes. When he finally made his mark on the universe in Infinity War , he did not disappoint. He was a villain who brought stakes to the world as well as an evil presence that was massively memorable. One of his best features throughout his time in the MCU was his quotability, for which there were tons. Here, we look at ten of Thanos' most menacing quotes. Not exactly a quote that springs to mind when you think of either Thanos or the word menacing, but Thanos' "Wait," to Nebula is a threatening quote, if not a badass one. In Endgame , when Thanos arrives on Earth to collect the stones, he sends Nebula to retrieve them. When Nebula asks what he will do, this is his response, and he sits.
Thanos quote
Members of WikiProject:Timeline team are working on editing pages in response to the information revealed in the book. If you wish to contribute, please do not immediately edit these pages, and instead visit the Timeline Discussion. A collection of quotes of the Interstellar warlord Thanos.
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However, when he mentions that he is having a little fun he ends up truly revealing his evil nature, which sends a shiver down fans' spines. He has to be lying. He waxed poetic about what he'd done, and why what had worked on other planets failed to work on Earth. Personally interjecting was Plan B, but audiences don't get to see this until waiting after the credits roll in Avengers: Age of Ultron. While Thanos has many moral ineptitudes, his will is not one of those. As he lands, Outriders begin to close in on him]. While it may be hard to imagine Thanos feeling desperate, the statement is profoundly poignant in how Thanos tries to relate to the heroes before destroying them, and echoes sides of his character revealed in comics like The Death of Captain Marvel or Thanos Rising. And use them to bring everyone back. Do it. See all related lists ». Many traits about this Mad Titan have cemented him as arguably the best-written comic book villain in cinema history.
The version of Thanos found in the MCU is one of very few superhero movie villains to earn a truly infamous and iconic reputation for their on-screen performance.
Now, I know that It is the duty of the Sorcerer Supreme to protect the Time Stone. Whilst he is responsible for the death of Gamora's biological family, he sees himself as having taken her in as a positive, and appears to genuinely feel affection for her. You asked her to do it. He knew they would come back to try again and he was ready and prepared for it, implying that there is still a chance that the Avengers will not win this battle. This is an interesting conversation between Thanos and Gamora; the audience gets to witness more of their complicated father-daughter dynamic. If he gets his hands on all six Stones , Tony I'm from Missouri. I told you to go right. Thanos' quotes from films such as Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame prove that he is much more than a one-dimensional villain. I'm sorry. He took my girl- Wait, who are you? The fact that half of the universe was his compromise says it all, as does this quote.
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I consider, that you are not right. I am assured.
You, probably, were mistaken?